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  • Krishna Groups
    • 1 Algebraic Structure 2
    • 2 Group Definition 2
    • 3 Abelian Group
    • 4 Finite and infinite group 3
    • 5 General properties of a group
    • 6 Definitino of group based on left axioms 12
    • 7 Composition tables for finite sets.
    • 8 Addition modulo m 33
    • 9 Multiplication modulo p 34
    • 10 Residue classes of set of integers 41
    • 11 An alternative set of postulates for a group 47
    • 12 Permutations
    • 13 Groups of permutations 54
    • 14 Cyclic permutations 56
    • 15 Even and odd permutations 60
    • 16 Integral powers of an element of a group 74
    • 17 Order of an element of a group 75
    • 18 Homomorphism and Isomorphism of groups 92
    • 19 Properties of Homo and Isomorphis 100
    • 20 Relation of Isomorphism in set of all groups 108
    • 21 Transference of group structure 109
    • 22 Complexes and subgroups of a group 113
    • 23 Algebra of complexes
    • 24 Criteria for complexes to be subgroups 116
      • THM1 2 step method; closed + inverse
      • THM2 1 step method; H is subgroup if a,b \(\in\) H => a-b \(\in\) H
    • 25 Criteria for product of subgroups to be subgroup 120
    • 26 Intersection of subgroups 120
    • 27 Cosets 130
      • Properties 2 and 6
    • 28 Relation of congruence modulo 136
    • 29 Lagrange's Theorem 138
    • 30 Order of the product of two subgroups of finite order 141
    • 31 Cayleys Theorem 151
    • 32 Cyclic Groups 153
  • Krishna Rings
      1. Rings 174
      1. Elementary properties of rings 175
      1. Integral multiples of elements of rings 176
      1. Examples of rings 179
      1. Some special types of rings 179
      1. Integral domain 181
      2. 42 examples
      1. Isomorphism of rngs 216
      1. properties of isomorphism of rings 218
      1. Subrings 219
      2. If subset itelf is a ring then it is subring
      3. THM The necessary and sufficient conditno for non empty subset S of R to be subring for a,b \(\in\) S we have (a) a-b \(\in\) S and (b) ab \(\in\) S
      4. ie. it is closed under subtration and multiplication
      1. Subfields 224
      1. Characteristics of ring 228
      1. Ordered Integral Domains 231
      1. Ideals 236
      2. 21 egs
      1. More about ideals 251
      1. Ideals generated by a given subset of a ring 252
      1. Principal Ideal ring 254
      2. a comm ring without zero divisors and with unity is prinicpal ideal ring if every ideal S in R is principal ideal ie all S = (a)
      1. Divisibility in an integral domain 255
      2. Units = are those elements of ring which possess multiplicative inverse
      1. Polynomial rings 259
      2. 3 egs
      1. Degree of the sum and product of two polynomials 263
      1. Rings of polynomials 264
      1. Polynomials over integral domain 265
      1. Polynomials over a field 266
      2. 3 egs
  • Krishna Rings Continued
      1. Divisibility of polynomials over a field
      1. Division algo for polynomials over a field
      2. 1 eg
      1. Euclidean algo for polynomials over a field
      1. Unique factorization domain 6
      1. Unique factorization thm for polynomials over a field 7
      1. Value of polynomial at x = c
      1. Quotient Rings or Rings of Residue Classes 17
      1. Homo of rings 19
      1. Kernel of Ring homo 20
      2. 4 egs
      1. Maximal Ideal 24
      1. Some more results on ideals 25
      1. Prime Ideals 28
      2. Let R be a ring and S an ideal in R ; then S is said to be a prime ideal if ab \(\in\) S , where a,b \(\in\) R => a \(\in\)S or b \(\in\) S
      3. R/S is ID iff S is prime ideal
      4. R is comm ring with unity => maximal ideals are prime ideals
      1. Euclidean Rings and Euclidean Domain 33
      1. Properties of Euclidean Rings 36
  • Krishna Normal Subgroups
      1. Normal Subgroups
      1. Conjugate elments 63
      1. Conjugate subgroups 70
      1. Quotient groups 71
      1. Homo of groups 77
      1. Kernel of homo 80
      1. More reuls on group homo 87