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Basics, Groups and Subgroups

Let \(m_{1}, m_{2}, \cdots, m_{k}\) be positive integers and \(d>0\) the greatest common divisor of \(m_{1}, m_{2}, \cdots, m_{k}\). Show that there exist integers \(x_{1}, x_{2}, \cdots, x_{k}\) such that

\[ d=x_{1} m_{1}+x_{2} m_{2}+\cdots+x_{k} m_{k} \]

1b 2013

Give an example of an infinite group in which every element has finite order.

1a 2012

  1. (a) How many elements of order 2 are there in the group of order 16 generated by \(a\) and \(b\) such that the order of \(a\) is 8 , the order of \(b\) is 2 and \(b a b^{-1}=a^{-1}\).

1a 2011

  1. (a) Show that the set
\[ \begin{aligned} & G=\left\{f_{1}, f_{2}, f_{3}, f_{4}, f_{5}, f_{6}\right\} \\ & \text { of six transformations on the set of Complex } \\ & \text { numbers defined by } \\ & f_{1}(z)=z, f_{2}(z)=1-z \\ & f_{3}(z)=\frac{z}{(z-1)}, f_{4}(z)=\frac{1}{z} \\ & f_{5}(z)=\frac{1}{(1-z)} \text { and } f_{6}(z)=\frac{(z-1)}{z} \end{aligned} \]

is a non-abelian group of order 6 w.r.t. composition of mappings. \(\&\)

4a 2011

  1. (a) Let a and b be elements of a group, with \(\mathrm{a}^{2}=\mathrm{e}\), \(b^{6}=e\) and \(a b=b^{4} a\)

Find the order of \(a b\), and express its inverse in each of the forms \(a^{m} b^{n}\) and \(b^{m} a^{n}\). 20

1a 2010

(a) Let \(G=\mathbb{R}-\{-1\}\) be the set of all real numbers omitting -1 . Define the binary relation \(*\) on \(G\) by \(a * b=a+b+a b\). Show \((G, *)\) is a group and it is abelian 12

1a 2020 IFoS

Let \(p\) be a prime number. Then show that

\[ (p-1) 1+1 \equiv 0 \bmod (p) \]

Also, find the remainder when \(6^{44} \cdot(22) !+3\) is divided by 23 .

3a 2019 IFoS

If in the group \(G, a^{5}=e, a b a^{-1}=b^{2}\) for some \(a, b \in G\), find the order of \(b\).

1a 2017 IFoS

  1. (a) Prove that every group of order four is Abelian.

2a 2017 IFoS

  1. (a) Let \(G\) be the set of all real numbers except -1 and define \(a * b=a+b+a b\) \(\forall a, b \in G\). Examine if \(G\) is an Abelian group under *.

1a 2016 IFoS

1.(a) Prove that the set of all bijective functions from a non-empty set \(X\) onto itself is a group with respect to usual composition of functions.

1a 2014 IFoS

(a) If \(G\) is a group in which \((a \cdot b)^{4}=a^{4} \cdot b^{4},(a \cdot b)^{5}=a^{5} \cdot b^{5}\) and \((a \cdot b)^{6}=a^{6} \cdot b^{6}\), for all \(a, b \in G\), then prove that \(G\) is Abelian.

1b 2013 IFoS

(b) Prove that if every element of a group \((G, 0)\) be its own inverse, then it is an abelian group.

1a 2011 IFoS

(a) Let \(G\) be a group, and \(x\) and \(y\) be any two elements of \(G\). If \(y^{5}=e\) and \(y x y^{-1}=x^{2}\), then show that \(O(x)=31\), where \(e\) is the identity element of \(G\) and \(x \neq e\).

1a 2010 IFoS

(a) Let

\[ G=\left\{\left[\begin{array}{ll} a & a \\ a & a \end{array}\right] \mid a \in \mathbb{R}, a \neq 0\right\} \]

Show that ' \(G\) is a group under matrix multiplication.

3a 2010 IFoS

(a) Show that zero and unity are only idempotents of \(Z_{n}\) if \(n=p^{r}\), where \(p\) is a prime.

Cyclic Groups

2 a 2020

Let \(G\) be a finite cyclic group of order \(n\). Then prove that \(G\) has \(\phi(n)\) generators (where \(\phi\) is Euler's \(\phi\)-function).

2b 2016

Let \(p\) be a prime number and \(\mathbf{Z}_{\mathrm{p}}\) denote the additive group of integers modulo p. Show that every non-zero element of \(\mathbf{Z}_{p}\) generates \(\mathbf{Z}_{\mathbf{p}}\).

1a 2015

How many generators are there of the cyclic group \(G\) of order 8 Explain.

Taking a group \(\{e, a, b, c\}\) of order 4 , where \(e\) is the identity, construct composition tables showing that one is cyclic while the other is not.

1e 2011

(e) (i) Prove that a group of Prime order is abelian.

\[ 414 \text { o } 6 \]

(ii) How many generators are there of the cyclic group \((\mathrm{G}, \cdot)\) of order 8 ?

2a 2011

  1. (a) Give an example of a group \(\mathrm{G}\) in which every proper subgroup is cyclic but the group itself is not cyclic.

1b 2010

(b) Show that a cyclic group of order 6 is isomorphic to the product of a cyclic group of order 2 and a cyclic group of order 3. Can you generalize this? ? Justify.

1b 2009

(b) Determine the number of homomorphisms from the additive group \(\mathbb{Z}_{15}\) to the additive group \(\mathbb{Z}_{10}\). ( \(\mathbb{Z}_{n}\) is the cyclic group of order \(n\) ). \(\quad 12\)

3b 2020 IFoS

Let \(G\) be a finite group and let \(p\) be a prime. If \(p^{m}\) divides order of \(G\), then show that \(G\) has a subgroup of order \(p^{m}\), where \(m\) is a positive integer.

2b 2016 IFoS

2.(b) Let \(\bar{G}\) be a group of order \(p q\), where \(p\) and \(q\) are prime numbers such that \(p>q\) and \(q \nmid(p-1)\). Then prove that \(G\) is cyclic.

1a 2015 IFoS

Q1. (a) If in a group \(G\) there is an element \(a\) of order 360 , what is the order of \(a^{220}\) ? Show that if \(G\) is a cyclic group of order \(\mathrm{n}\) and mivides \(\mathrm{n}\), then \(G\) has a subgroup of order \(m\).

3b 2011 IFoS

(b) Let \(G\) be a group of order \(2 p, p\) prime. Show that either \(G\) is cyclic or \(G\) is generated by \(\{a, b\}\) with relations \(a^{p}=e=b^{2}\) and \(b a b=a^{-1}\).

Normal Subgroups


2a 2019

If \(G\) and \(H\) are finite groups whose orders are relatively prime, then prove that there is only one homomorphism from \(G\) to \(H\), the trivial one.

2a 2018

Show that the quotient group of \((\mathbb{R},+)\) modulo \(\mathbb{Z}\) is isomorphic to the multiplicative group of complex numbers on the unit circle in the complex plane. Here \(\mathbb{R}\) is the set of real numbers and \(\mathbb{Z}\) is the set of integers.

2a 2019

If \(G\) and \(H\) are finite groups whose orders are relatively prime, then prove that there is only one homomorphism from \(G\) to \(H\), the trivial one.

2a 2018

Show that the quotient group of \((\mathbb{R},+)\) modulo \(\mathbb{Z}\) is isomorphic to the multiplicative group of complex numbers on the unit circle in the complex plane. Here \(\mathbb{R}\) is the set of real numbers and \(\mathbb{Z}\) is the set of integers.

3a 2017

Show that the groups \(\mathbb{Z}_{5} \times \mathbb{Z}_{7}\) and \(\mathbb{Z}_{35}\) are isomorphic.

2a 2010

Let \(\left(\mathbb{R}^{*}\right.\), \()\) be the multiplicative group of nonzero reals and \((G L(n, \mathbb{R}), X)\) be the multiplicative group of \(n \times n\) non-singular' real matrices. Show that the quotient group \(G L(n, \mathbb{R}) / S L(n, \mathbb{R})\) and \(\left(\mathbb{R}^{*}, \cdot\right)\) are isomorphic where

\(S L(n, \mathbb{I})=\{A \in G L(n, \mathbb{I R}) / \operatorname{det} A=1\}\).

What is the centre of \(G L(n\), IR) ?

1a 2009

If \(\mathbb{R}\) is the set of real numbers and \(\mathbb{R}_{+}\)is the set of positive real numbers, show that \(\mathbb{R}\) under addition \((\mathbb{R},+)\) and \(\mathbb{R}\), under multiplication \(\left(\mathbb{R}_{+}, \cdot\right)\) are isomorphic. Similarly if \(\mathbb{Q}\) is the set of rational numbers and \(Q_{+}\)the set of positive rational numbers, are \((\mathbb{Q},+)\) and \(\left(\mathbb{Q}_{+}, \cdot\right)\) isomorphric? Justify your answer. \(4+8=12\)

2a 2018 IFoS

Find all the homomorphisms from the group \((\mathbb{Z},+)\) to \(\left(\mathbb{Z}_{4},+\right)\).

2a 2011 IFoS

Let \(G\) be the group of non-zero complex numbers under multiplication, and let \(N\) be the set of complex numbers of absolute value 1 . Show that \(G / N\) is isomorphic to the group of all positive real numbers under multiplication.

2b 2010 IFoS

Prove or disprove that \((\mathbb{R},+)\) and \(\left(\mathbb{R}^{+}, \cdot\right)\) are isomorphic groups where \(\mathbb{R}^{+}\) denotes the set of all positive real numbers.

Permutation Groups